United States Shellfish Biologist Recognized

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development [to May 2015]
A pioneer in the development of the oyster industry was recognized during the 12th annual International Conference on Shellfish Restoration being held in Charlottetown. Clyde MacKenzie Jr., a shellfish biologist from New Jersey, was presented with an honourary shellfish enhancement recognition award. The award was presented by Prince Edward Island Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Neil LeClair.

“Mr. MacKenzie has made a significant contribution to the Prince Edward Island shellfish industry,” said Minister LeClair. “He introduced a number of major shellfish enhancement techniques which contributed to the growth of the industry that are still being utilized today.”

Mr. MacKenzie was contracted in 1972 by the then Department of Fisheries to develop a plan to increase oyster production in the province. At that time, oyster landings in the once-thriving industry had declined to levels below one million pounds. His experience working with the oyster industry in the United States, combined with his tireless work with Prince Edward Island shellfishers and provincial and federal government officials, led to the introduction of a number of enhancement techniques. These included oyster relays, spreading of oyster shells on barren grounds to create new permanent beds and cultivation techniques on non-productive beds to provide a clean substrate for oyster larvae.

Over the years, oyster production in the province has increased from less than one million pounds to over seven million pounds annually. Over the same period, the number of active oyster fishers has increased from 200 to over 700.

Mr. Mackenzie is still active in the shellfish industry, and has published many articles related to oysters, quahaugs, soft shelled clams and enhancement and restoration techniques.

“The Prince Edward Island Shellfish Association has been instrumental in building on the groundwork by Clyde MacKenzie and others,” said Minister LeClair. “Today I am pleased to recognize his achievements and the contributions he has made to the development of the Prince Edward Island shellfish industry.”

Media Contact: Wayne MacKinnon