Two new projects will strengthen community centres

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development [to May 2015]
Two new projects approved under the Island Community Fund will result in better use of community centres, says Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Neil LeClair.

“Community centres play an extremely important and focal role in the lives of rural residents,” said Mr. LeClair. “Upgrading centres to improve and enhance their use contributes to the strengthening of community spirit and pride.”

Upgrades have been made to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #30 in New Haven, including the roof, windows, kitchen facilities, and wiring and plumbing. The centre will also be wheelchair accessible. Total cost of the project is $113,715, with $85,266 coming from the Island Community Fund.

The Emyvale Recreation Centre is being upgraded with the installation of a new furnace and septic system. It is the only centre in the community to host functions, and will be re-opened after the upgrades are completed. The Island Community Fund is contributing $11,756 to the total project cost of $15,675.

“I would like to commend the sponsors of these projects for their hard work and initiative on behalf of residents in their respective communities,” said Kellys Cross-Cumberland MLA Valerie Docherty. “These centres play a very important part in community life, and I am very pleased with the major improvements that have been made.”

Mr. LeClair said that improvements to community facilities are one of the objectives of the Rural Action Plan which is aimed at strengthening social, cultural and economic opportunities in rural Prince Edward Island.

The Island Community Fund is a six-year, $27.5 million program to address infrastructure needs in rural communities.

Media Contact: Wayne MacKinnon