Triple P – Positive Parenting Program rolling out across Prince Edward Island

Education, Early Learning and Culture
A program that uses simple, positive tips to help parents facing the typical challenges of raising children and teens is now being offered in Prince Edward Island.

“Each of us wants the best for Island children, and we know the best way to help children is to support their parents,” said Premier Wade MacLauchlan. “The Triple P - Positive Parenting Program is a tried and tested program used by 25 countries, and it will be an invaluable resource to Island parents.”

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is designed to help parents as they navigate through the big and small problems of family life. It is a helpful, practical and easy-to-use approach for parents of children from infants to sixteen years old. With a focus on positive parenting techniques, the program empowers all parents with skills and knowledge to effectively address day-to-day minor parenting challenges or more serious behavioural issues.

Through a five year investment, the Government of Prince Edward Island is making Triple P – “Positive Parenting” Program available to all Islanders at low or no cost. It is delivered one-on-one, in groups or on-line. Funding of more than $600,000 over five years will provide Triple P training and resources for those who work with children, youth and families, such as early childhood educators, social workers and nurses. More than 40 staff have already been trained in the Triple P program.

Catholic Family Services Executive Director Peter Mutch is a trained Triple P practitioner, who is coordinating the Triple P –Positive Parenting Program for government and supporting practitioners as they are trained to deliver the program.

“Parenting challenges are common and to be expected across all stages of children's development, from birth through the teen years, and that is why we are introducing this evidenced-based program to offer information and support to Island families,” said Triple P coordinator Peter Mutch. “By increasing the confidence, skills, and knowledge of parents in the task of raising children, we are supporting children’s healthy development in ways that make an important difference for families today and in the future.”

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is rolling out over the next several months and will soon be available in many communities across the province. Learn more about Triple P at or call 902-438-4842


A program that uses simple, positive tips to help parents navigate the big and small problems of raising children is now being offered in Prince Edward Island.

Premier Wade MacLauchlan says the best way to help children is to support their parents. That is why government is introducing the evidenced-based Triple P – Positive Parenting Program to offer information and support to Island families.

Through a five year investment, the Government of Prince Edward Island will make the Triple P- Positive Parenting Program available to all Islanders at low or no cost.

More information about Triple P is available at

Media Contact:

Katie MacDonald

Communications PEI



What is Triple P?

Triple P - Positive Parenting Program was developed by Clinical Psychologist Matt Saunders and his colleagues at Australia’s University of Queensland. It is a system that uses simple, positive tips to help parents deal with the challenges of raising children and teens.

Triple P – Positive Parenting Program offers various levels of support to parents, from the Stay Positive public awareness campaigns, to brief parenting skills support, to intensive family interventions.

Triple P encourages positive, caring relationships between parents and their children.

What is the “Stay Positive” Campaign?

Triple P's “Stay Positive” campaign is an integrated strategy designed to help put parenting issues on the public agenda, and to reassure everyone that parenting challenges are natural, common, and okay to talk about.

“Stay Positive” talks about parenting support, informs parents about Triple P and supports Triple P providers in Prince Edward Island.

Why Triple P?

Triple P does not tell people how to parent. It is designed to give parents the skills they need to raise confident, healthy children and teenagers and to build stronger family relationships. The program does this by giving parents simple and practical strategies to help them confidently manage their children’s behavior.

Triple P is used in 25 countries around the world and in a handful of other provinces. The program has been shown to work across cultures, socio-economic groups and different family structures. Triple P has been tested with thousands of families over more than 30 years. Over 400 international trials, studies and published papers, including more than 175 evaluation papers, have shown that it works.

Who delivers Triple P?

Triple P is a flexible system that allows information and professional support to be tailored to individual families. Prince Edward Island’s four social policy departments have committed to funding a five year implementation of the Triple P system to support families with children from birth to sixteen years old.

People who work with children, youth and families have the opportunity to train to be a Triple P provider, with 48 practitioners trained to date. Among those 48 are social workers, nurses, youth counselors, music therapists, family workers and more.

What does the training involve?

The training sessions are between one and three days long and are led by an accredited Triple P trainer. There are a maximum of twenty people per group. Trainees learn using various methods including a facilitator’s manual and workbook, a parent workbook and DVDs over up to three days. Training days include Powerpoint presentations, small and large group discussions. New practitioners return three to four months after training for up to a full day of accreditation.

How can parents take part?

Practitioners will offer Triple P in their communities, and parents will be able to take part at low or no cost. Parents can choose from a variety of Triple P service options. They can access resources via the Triple P website or through brochures offered to them by practitioners, through short one-on-one sessions, small group sessions, a more intensive online program, and more.

For more information on Triple P, visit or call 902-438-4842.

Media Contact: Katie MacDonald