Transportation Association of Canada meeting in Charlottetown

Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy
The Transportation Association of Canada’s annual conference has drawn nearly 1,000 visitors to Prince Edward Island, says Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy Minister Paula Biggar.

“We are pleased to welcome the leading experts in the Canadian transportation sector to Charlottetown this week for the largest conference ever held at the Prince Edward Island Convention Centre,” said Minister Biggar. “Prince Edward Island has become a leader in highway safety, so it’s fitting that this year’s Transportation Association of Canada’s conference theme is Getting You There Safely.”

The Transportation Association of Canada’s 2015 conference and exhibition takes place September 28-30th in Charlottetown. In recognition of the United Nation’s Decade of Action for Road Safety, the 2015 conference theme, Getting You There Safely, will highlight the importance, opportunities and innovations in road safety.

The Government of Prince Edward Island has invested in improvements to the safety of our roads through upgrades to roads and bridges, along with some of the toughest legislation in Canada when it comes to impaired driving and texting and driving.

Delegates will have the opportunity to visit some of Prince Edward Island’s latest transportation innovations such as urban and rural roundabouts, highway improvements, and aerospace technologies, along with an up-close look at the Confederation Bridge. Delegates will also take part in information sessions on a variety of topics including active transportation, winter road maintenance, advancements in environmentally friendly practices, and the latest safety practices.

To learn more about the Transportation Association of Canada, visit

Media Contact: Katie MacDonald