April 9, 2001 * Transportation and Public Works [to Jan 2010]The Department of Transportation and Public Works today announced plans to address the traffic access and safety concerns of local residents surrounding the new state-of-the-art composting facility in Brookfield. The plans were released by the department at a press conference in Charlottetown this afternoon. "The number one concern expressed by residents in relation to the new compost facility has been one of highway safety with respect to vehicle traffic in the area. The plans announced today are designed to address those concerns and to enhance safety in the community," said Transportation and Public Works Minister Don MacKinnon in announcing the plans. A review of the existing traffic patterns in the Brookfield area by Transportation and Public Works engineers identified certain items which require measures to be undertaken by the department to address existing and future traffic concerns. A new signalized intersection will be constructed to allow safer access onto Route 2 from the Colville Road, an area frequented by vehicle traffic from Bluefield High School. Also, an additional passing lane will be constructed west of Charlottetown and east of Brookfield to reduce the passing lane load at the Brookfield passing lane. Additionally, measures will be explored to increase public awareness and compliance with posted speed limits through Brookfield. "At the end of the day, it is the objective of the department to have a safer stretch of road through the Brookfield area that will benefit the community by addressing present and future highway safety concerns as well as allowing the Province to proceed with implementation of its Integrated Waste Management Strategy through the construction of a modern, state-of-the-art composting facility in Brookfield," commented MacKinnon.Media Contact: Don MacKinnon