The Second Session of the Sixty-First General Assembly was opened today with the reading of the Speech from the Throne by Honourable Gilbert R. Clements, Lieutenant Governor.
The speech included a significant number of initiatives, with a particular focus on children and the environment. Health care, education, jobs and communities were renewed as the Binns Government's priorities.
Some highlights of the speech included:
A Premier's Council on Healthy Child Development; The establishment of an Early Childhood Secretariat; Elimination of fees for pre-natal classes; Implementation of a new Children's Mental Health Team; A Supported Adoption Program; Extension of the School Milk Program to all Island Children enrolled in kindergarten; New child protection legislation; A commitment to a clean, safe water supply; The reduction of air pollutants; A smog forecast; A reiteration of government's commitment to protecting natural areas; A continued focus on recruiting nurses and physicians; Pilot projects on primary care; A strategy for establishing medical equipment priorities; New ultrasound services for early detection of prostate cancer; A comprehensive screening awareness campaign for cervical cancer; Re-organization of provincial pharmacy services; A new Provincial Radiology Information System; A focus on health promotion and prevention; Enhanced diabetes education programming; A concentration on health research; 10 additional long-term care beds at Community Hospital; A new Medical Transportation Program; Development of a policy on autism; Continuation of the Capital Construction Program for Island schools; The Comprehensive Education and Training Strategy; A renewed partnership with the Acadian and Francophone community; Additional $3 million invested in elementary and secondary schools; Increased support for IT in Island schools; Accelerated Secondary Apprenticeship Program; Support for Islanders who wish to pursue a GED; The Atlantic Technology Centre; Support for the East Coast Music Awards; A cultural industry strategy; Continued support for export activity; Special tax incentives for businesses willing to locate in rural areas; More employment training for those who require skills development; Enhanced opportunities for business through business parks; A nutriceutical industry development strategy; Resources for the potato industry during potato wart issue; Continued focus on the Agriculture and Environment Resources and Conservation Program; Pilot project for nutrient management; Continued development of a pesticide reduction strategy; Strengthened pesticide certification; A commitment to work with the agricultural community towards three year crop rotation and other sustainable measures; A PEI Brand; A PEI Food Strategy; Advocation for a greater diversification in the agriculture industry; Continued work with federal government to enhance safety net programs; New farmers program; Increased seedling production; Public Forest Council; Support for lobster research; Development of finfish sector; Shellfish enhancement programs; Aggressive tourism marketing initiatives; Promotion of the provincial parks system; Resources for infrastructure projects; Support for the Charlottetown Airport; Examination of public transportation; Comprehensive Transportation Study; Low Income Tax Reduction Program; Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act;
"I expect this session of the House to be very busy and productive. We will consider a rather heavy legislative agenda, and I look forward to some healthy debate," stated Premier Binns.