Throne Speech delivers clear plan for growth and pledge for more modern governance

Premier's Office
The Second Session of the Sixty-fifth General Assembly of Prince Edward Island was opened today with the Speech from the Throne by the Honourable Frank Lewis, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island.

Building for Sustained Prosperity

In June 2015, the new Government presented a Speech from the Throne that outlined a vision for its full mandate. Today’s speech further builds on that plan, with a particular focus on rejuvenation, growing the province’s population and workforce, and sustained economic growth.

“Over the past 10 months we have accomplished much to invest in areas that meet the needs of Islanders, build on our successes as a province, and work together across the province to build greater opportunity for all residents,” said Premier Wade MacLauchlan. “We will continue to advance our agenda, focused on growth and rejuvenation of our population and communities, on building prosperity for an increasing number of Islanders, and engaging more of the population as we continue to modernize government on Prince Edward Island.”

Highlights of the speech include:

Growing our Working Age Population:

“Sustainable economic growth relies upon the ability to increase our population, expand our skills, and grow our workforce.”

- A comprehensive long-term strategy to repatriate, recruit and retain a skilled and talented workforce will be developed

- A new website will match job seekers with local employers

- A new mobile app will provide students and parents access to student financial information to encourage Islanders to study at home

- The successful Graduate Mentorship Program will be expanded to include international students

Enhancing Job Growth and Encouraging Youth and Entrepreneurship:

“Particular emphasis will be placed on building job experience opportunities for young Islanders and new entrants to the labour market, providing them with the ability to thrive on Prince Edward Island.”

- 1,000 job opportunities for students to obtain employment will be supported

- A new Education Act will be introduced

- A pilot project will provide instruction in coding to students

- The new Start-Up Zone will open to support budding entrepreneurs

- Multi-year funding arrangements with post-secondary institutions will be developed

Improving Health and Wellness

“We are committed to continuing investments in front-line services that improve health access on Prince Edward Island.”

- Introduce more nurse practitioners to the system

- A rural recruitment program will be developed

- Additional specialists in high-need areas will be added

- The Women’s Reproductive Health Centre will be established this year

- The new Community Health Advisory Councils will launch


“We will continue to engage Islanders in constructive discussions on important matters.”

- Consultation on the Water Act will lead to the drafting of legislation

- A new Energy Strategy will identify the best way forward to plan for a lower carbon regime

- The Special Legislative Committee on Democratic Renewal will table a report this session

- Engagement will begin this spring on a new 10-year Culture Strategy

- A multi-year plan on how we can collectively reduce poverty in our province will engage Islanders

- A new Youth Advisory Council will be established

Modernizing Government:

“Government is committed to modernizing governance on P.E.I., including provisions that increase accountability and transparency in government operations.”

- A new Lobbyist Registration Act will be introduced in the fall of 2016

- A strengthened Financial Administration Act will be introduced

- New legislation will be introduced around campaign financing

- A proposal will be brought forward to reduce transitional allowances for MLAs

- An Open Government policy and a practice of Open Data across government will be implemented

For more information and to read the full speech, please go to:

Media Contact: Mary Moszynski