Employer and Employees Partnering with Employment Insurance" is the theme for the thirtieth (30th) annual Labour/Management Conference scheduled for Wednesday, 12 February.
The Conference will provide information on recent changes to Employment Insurance legislation, presented by staff from the local office of Human Resources Development Canada.
Morning plenary sessions will include an overview of both the Insurance and Employment components of the legislation, as well as a presentation on Investigation and Control.
The program for the afternoon includes two sessions of concurrent workshops. Delegates may choose from among a slate of workshops on topics such as insurability, self-employment, record of employment, and an examination of changes to the income benefits aspects of the new EI legislation.
Registration for the Conference begins at 8 a.m., with the opening session scheduled for 9 a.m. The Conference will conclude at 4 p.m. A registration fee of $30.00 includes the cost of lunch.
The Conference, which will be held at the C.P. Prince Edward Hotel, is jointly sponsored by the Prince Edward Island Industrial Relations Council and Human Resources Development Canada. Pre-registration is encouraged.
While the Conference is aimed at employers and employees, the Conference is open to any interested member of the public.
For further information, call the Industrial Relations Council at 368-5550 or 368-5554.