On the heels of the first two successful Team Canada Atlantic Trade Missions to New England, mission number three is living up to high expectations. Ten Island companies are participating on the mission in the hopes of securing sales and generating leads in the New England marketplace.
Amalgamated Dairies Limited (ADL), a previous participant of the 2000 mission, has joined the PEI delegation once again to build on the relationships established last year and to create new ones in the Boston market.
"Last year's mission gave me the opportunity to meet a terrific broker which has made all the difference in entering the New England market successfully," said Ron Dehmel, Director of Sales and Marketing for ADL. "Since then, we've had five different distributors as a result of this one contact and have had thousands of dollars in orders."
Dehmel attributes this success to persistence and good old fashioned follow up. "You can't just make great contacts on these trade missions and then do nothing to keep them. You have to be there, going back to the market as much as possible to secure already established buyer relationships. The Boston area is a great place to market ADL products, and I look forward to developing an even stronger presence for ADL branded cheese in New England."
A major food promotion show for food buyers and distributors in the New England area is taking place during the trade mission. This will provide a chance for the three Island food companies on the mission (Atlantic Isle Gourmet Pasta, ADL, and Island Quality Vegetables) to market their products to an important audience. At the show this evening, ADL cheese will be featured on the menu.
The three-day trade mission started on Monday, February 26, with company meetings ending on Wednesday. The 10 Island companies participating on the mission include: ADL, Atlantic Store Decor Inc., Atlantic Isle Gourmet Pasta Inc., Atlantic Digital Imaging Inc., Coles Associates Ltd., Creative Esthetics Dental Laboratory Inc., Future Learning Solutions Inc., Island Quality Vegetables Inc., Millworks Canada Inc. and Prestige Kitchens Ltd.
The 2001 Team Canada Atlantic mission is being organized by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), the four Atlantic provinces, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Industry Canada, and the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters.
Those interested in further information on Team Canada Atlantic 2001 should consult the Team Canada Atlantic website at www.teamcanadaatlantic.com