Taking "Steps" Towards Better Health

* East Prince Health Region [to Nov 2005]
A recent employee activity program at East Prince Health has encouraged staff to take more time out of their busy schedules to walk. Dr. Cathy Chan of the Atlantic Veterinary College at UPEI recently led a 12-week program called First Step with 45 East Prince Health employees. The employees used a pedometer as an incentive tool to increase daily activity.

A pedometer can be worn on the waist and measures the number of steps taken in a day. The inexpensive device can be a motivator to increase activity levels.

East Prince Health has targeted increased physical activity as one of five key recommendations in their regional wellness strategy which supports their commitment to an emphasis on wellness and health promotion both in the workplace and in the community.

Maureen Paquet, Wellness Coordinator for East Prince Health, notes that, "The workplace is a key place for promoting health since we now know the powerful influence our jobs have on our health. We spend many hours at our paid work, so it makes sense to encourage healthy living during working hours."

Walking for health is reported in survey after survey as the most popular exercise choice. In a recent Health Canada survey conducted at East Prince Health, staff listed increased physical activity as one of their priorities. The First Step program is a wellness initiative that supports this priority. Increasing physical activity among Islanders is a key component of the provincial health system strategic plan. The East Prince Health wellness strategy assists in this goal.

"Walking is a simple exercise with enormous health benefits," noted Dr. Cathy Chan from the Atlantic Veterinary College at UPEI. "Walking can help reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, stroke, depression and cancer."

Ms. Paquet added, "East Prince Health recognizes the important role the organization plays as an employer which supports staff, physicians and volunteers to care for their own well-being. Healthy employees can then play a leadership role in assisting the public to make lifestyle changes for a better quality of life with fewer health risks."

Following on the success of the First Step effort, another program will be offered to a new group of East Prince Health staff members in the fall.

Media Contact: Island Information Service