Take precautions for potential storm surge

* Environment, Labour and Justice [to May 2015]
Prince Edward Island residents and visitors are advised to take precautions in advance of potentially dangerous winter weather conditions on Sunday.

Environment Canada has issued a winter storm warning for all parts of the province, and storm surge warnings for coastal regions. Higher than normal water levels along with rough pounding surf can be expected late in the day Sunday. Flooding is possible.

The Office of Public Safety offers the following tips for safety before, and during, a storm surge and flooding:

• If you live on the coast or in a low-lying area near the coast and have been prone to flooding in the past, you may consider relocating inland and to higher ground for the duration of the storm.

• Do not go down to the water to watch the storm. People can be killed when caught in large waves, storm surges or flood waters.

• Do not drive through flood waters. The water may be deeper than it looks and your car could get stuck or swept away by fast water.

• Never cross a flooded area. If you are on foot, fast water could sweep you away.

• Do not store your important documents in the basement. Keep them at a higher level, protected from flood damage.

• Keep your emergency kit close at hand, in a portable container such as a duffel bag, backpack or suitcase with wheels. More information on putting together an emergency kit can be found here: www.gov.pe.ca/jps/index.php3?number=1042745

Islanders are not strangers to winter storms. Freezing rain clings to everything it touches. Breaking tree limbs can be dangerous. Utility lines can be downed. Power outages are possible. More information on power outages can be found on the Maritime Electric site: www.maritimeelectric.com/customer_service/cust_power_outages.aspx

The Office of Public Safety reminds you to shovel out your 911 sign as soon as safely possible following a snow storm. Ensure your civic address is visible from the road. Remember, emergency responders can’t help you if they can’t find you.

For more tips on winter safety, go to: www.gov.pe.ca/jps/index.php3?number=1045168&lang=E

For more information on personal emergency preparedness or fire prevention, call toll free 1-877-894-0385, visit www.peipublicsafety.ca or follow @peipublicsafety on Twitter or Facebook.

Media Contact: Connie McNeill