Take Dad Fishing This Weekend!

The Department of Technology and Environment and the PEI Wildlife Federation encourage everyone to take advantage of "free" fishing this Father's Day Weekend, June 19 and 20. As part of an initiative to rekindle an interest in fishing and to encourage new anglers to catch the fishing spirit, Islanders of all ages, are encouraged to enjoy this opportunity for outdoor activity regardless of whether they have an angling license or not.

Mitch Murphy, Minister of Technology and Environment, and an avid angler himself, is enthusiastic about the initiative. "Angling is an enjoyable activity even if you don't catch anything. For individuals who have never tried the sport and would like to try a new experience or for those who would like to get back into it or brush up their skills, this is a great opportunity for a family outing. I wish all prospective anglers good luck this weekend," said the Minister.

Angling is a long-standing tradition in the province with a side benefit of contributing to the province's economy. Minister Murphy indicated it has been estimated that between $4 million and $6 million is generated each year by anglers as they purchase equipment, food, gas and accommodation for fishing expeditions.

Daryl Guignion of the PEI Wildlife Federation points out that with the many ponds and streams on the Island, there is room for all Islanders and visitors to drop a fishing line this weekend. "The work done to preserve and establish fish habitat over the last number of years is having a positive effect and as a result, fishing opportunities on PEI are plentiful." He also noted that being out on the ponds and streams provides opportunity for both children and adults to appreciate the wildlife and natural landscape available on Prince Edward Island and to understand why it is important to protect these resources.

Media Contact: Art Smith