The 2010 Take 30 for the Family calendars are now available across the Island, says Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Gerard Greenan.
“The Take 30 calendar is a major communications project of the PEI Children’s Secretariat,” said Minister Greenan. “It provides families with helpful tips and ideas on how to spend quality time together. It contains a concise guide to community resources for Island families. It also reinforces the important message of spending quality, unstructured time with young children every day of the year.”
The calendars are being provided to children at licensed early childhood centres during the next few weeks. They are also being made available in English and French at public health offices, family resource centres, and public libraries.
The Children’s Secretariat is a network of representatives from seven government departments and twelve organizations that work on behalf of young Island children to ensure they have a healthy start in life.
The information and photos in the calendar are directly related to the 12 networks which address the following areas: family literacy; child protection; healthy lifestyles; environmental health; mental health; Aboriginal families; Acadian/Francophone families; injury prevention; parent support; pregnancy, birth and infancy; early childhood education and care; and children with exceptional needs.
For more information on Take 30 For the Family visit