A scientific and objective evaluation of the PEI Health and Community Services System is being conducted by the System Evaluation Project in the Department of Health and Social Services with the support of the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis (CHEPA) and Health Canada. Dr. Mike Brimacombe of the Atlantic Veterinary College - UPEI is providing statistical expertise. To ensure the evaluation of the health system reflects the views of the public, 771 members of the general public will be surveyed during June. This will ensure the findings will be accurate to plus or minus 4%, 19 times out of 20 for each health region. Steps will be taken to ensure that all areas of the province, both genders, and all age groups over 18 will be represented. Enterprise PEI will coordinate this survey on behalf of the System Evaluation Project.
The Honorable Mildred Dover, Minister of Health and Social Services said "As a government, we value public input in the process of improving the health system, as reflected by this survey."
"This survey will provide public input on issues, such as integration of services and involving communities in the health system, that will be used to improve the System in directions preferred by Islanders," said Paul Chaulk, Project Coordinator.
The topics to be included on the survey are the preferred way for communities to be involved in decision making, sense of community, attitudes toward health services, factors affecting health, and other topics.
The information collected will be shared throughout the Health and Community Services System and with the public. It will be used to make suggestions for improving how the System supports services and promotes the health of islanders.