A scientific and objective evaluation of the PEI Health and Community Services System is being conducted by the System Evaluation Project in the Department of Health and Social Services with the support of the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis (CHEPA) and Health Canada. Dr. Mike Brimacombe of the Atlantic Veterinary College - UPEI is providing statistical expertise.
The System Evaluation will provide information which will be shared throughout the Health and Community Services System and used to make suggestions for improving how the System supports services and promotes the health of islanders. "Its a mechanism for the System to make informed decisions on an ongoing basis," said Danny Gallant, Director of Strategic Planning and Evaluation in the Department of Health & Social Services and Chair of the System Evaluation Project Steering Committee.
The issues being evaluated were developed through extensive consultation throughout the Health and Community Services System and with community members in 1995 and 1996. The issues include integrating and coordinating services for clients, the health of preschool children, and community involvement in the System.
The first stage in data collection will see questionnaires sent to board members, managers and a random sample of employees of the Health and Community Services System. The questionnaires will address the issues developed during consultations and will invite people to raise other issues of concern to them. "These questionnaires provide an excellent opportunity for input from people in all roles in the System," said coordinator Paul Chaulk.
The next stage of data collection will collect input from clients, the public and physicians. Surveys of the health of Islanders conducted by Health Canada will also be analysed.
"This System Evaluation Project is of national significance," said Dr. John Eyles of the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis. "The evaluation provides opportunities for learning how to deliver more effective accountable and integrated services."
For more information, contact: Paul Chaulk, Coordinator, System Evaluation Project, (902) 368-4928 or pcchaulk@gov.pe.ca.