Students earn credit in the community

* Education and Early Childhood Development [to May 2015]
High school students in Prince Edward Island can earn a credit through an expanded program that recognizes learning activities in the community, says Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Alan McIsaac.

“The department is thrilled to welcome Sport PEI and the Royal Conservatory of Music as new partners in the External Credentialing program available to all Island high school students,” said Minister McIsaac. “Learning continues outside of the classroom and students invest a lot of time and effort participating in programs that help develop valuable leadership and organizational skills. This program will encourage young Islanders to become active and engaged in their community.”

Students can now apply to earn high school credit for their extra curricular activities through Sport PEI and the Royal Conservatory of Music. During the past year, 18 students across Prince Edward Island received external credentials through the Canadian Cadet organization, with more in progress.

An external high school credit will be awarded for courses, programs or assessments that have been evaluated and that match or exceed provincial high school standards. The purpose of the program is to provide greater flexibility in meeting graduation requirements and the credits will be reflected on the student’s high school transcript.

“We are pleased to see the program growing and enjoying success,” said Minister McIsaac. “Students work with community-minded organizations to learn valuable life lessons involving leadership, citizenship and self discipline. A well-rounded education helps young Islanders as they grow and become active citizens. The partnerships also help students prepare for a competitive workforce and lifestyle.”

The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development leads an External Credentialing Advisory Committee with representation from the school boards and the Prince Edward Island Teachers’ Federation. Applications from community organizations interested in being considered as external program providers are being accepted by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.

For more information on this unique opportunity for Island students, please contact your child’s school or the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.


Granting of External Credits

• External Credentials may be granted in grades 10, 11 and 12.

• External Credentials may be equivalent to half or full credits.

• Within the 20 credits (English school system) or 25 credits (French school system) a high school student requires for graduation, one non-compulsory credit can be external credential.

• An external credential cannot be used to fulfill a student’s requirement for the 10 (English school system) or 15 (French school system) compulsory school credits.

• Students registered in the French school system who earn extra credential(s) must do so in the French language. If the program through which the external credential is earned is not available in the French language, consideration will be given on an individual student basis.

• Students may use only one Grade 12-level external credential as an elective credit towards the required number of Grade 12 credits for graduation.

• Students who have earned an approved external credential prior to entering Grade 10 may be awarded credit for that external credential if they present evidence of their credential any time after they enter Grade 10.

• A student may earn an unlimited number of credits, including external credentials, beyond the 20 credits (English school system) or 25 credits (French school system) required for graduation. However, there are credit restrictions between external credentials where the courses, programs, or assessments are deemed to be equivalent by the External Credential Advisory committee.

• Although external credentials may contribute towards graduation requirements, they may or may not meet general or specific admission requirements for post-secondary institutions. It is the responsibility of students to verify admissions requirements for the post-secondary institution they plan to attend.

• Only those external credentials that have been reviewed and approved by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development can be included on the student transcript as external credentials.

Media Contact: Laura Steeves