Students Attending Food and Beverage Show

Two lucky first-year UPEI business students, Jamie Crawford and Kellie MacKinnon, will be attending the upcoming Canadian/International Food and Beverage Show running February 18-20 in Toronto. The prize draw took place at Minister Mike Currie’s annual talk to the first-year business students.

“I look forward each year to speaking to the students about the increasing number of opportunities that are available right here in PEI in our emerging industries,” says Minister Currie. “In attending this show, Kelly and Jamie will learn about the international opportunities for PEI’s premium-quality food and beverage products.”

The students will work at PEI Business Development Inc.’s booth at the show, where PEI’s companies and products are introduced to show visitors. Mr. Currie says, “They will get first-hand experience of the dynamics of selling at a trade show; it’s the best way to learn.”

The Canadian/International Food and Beverage Show will host over 300 exhibitors and attract 10,000 visitors. It is an annual showcase dedicated exclusively to the suppliers of food and beverage products for the hospitality industry. Exhibitors will represent every aspect of Canadian foodservice and hospitality – everything from corporate chain franchises to smaller, independently-owned operations that offer visitors the best of Canada food ideas for their menus.

Media Contact: Dennis King