Student assessment results now available

* Education and Early Childhood Development [to May 2015]
The results of the 2010 provincial literacy and numeracy assessments are available online, says Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Doug Currie.

“The 2010 results in reading comprehension at the Grade 3 level show the investment in early literacy coaches, classroom resources, and professional development for Grade 1-3 teachers is paying off,” said Minister Currie. “Since 2007, we have seen a 4 per cent increase in Grade 9 math results and reading scores in Grade 3 have increased by 20 per cent. This is a major accomplishment and the students, teachers, principals and board staff need to be congratulated for this wonderful achievement.”

Provincial assessment results are one of several tools used to monitor how well students are doing in reading, writing and math at the end of the primary, elementary and intermediate grades. Assessments conducted in May, June and October outline how well students are doing at key stages of learning. Students are assessed in reading and writing at the end of Grade 3 and Grade 6, and math at the end of Grade 3 and Grade 9.

Prince Edward Island students participate in provincial, national and international assessments that help measure individual and overall student achievement and the overall performance of our provincial education system.

Minister Currie said the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development is committed to enhancing curriculum and supports to ensure all students continue to show progress and improvement across our one Island community.

“Provincial assessments are developed by teachers from across the province and are based on the curriculum used in Island schools,” said Minister Currie. “The information shows teachers and administrators how well students are learning the curriculum, where students may need help, and how resources may be directed to improve our education system.”

Parents are encouraged to talk to their teacher about the full scope of their child’s performance. Working together with good information, parents and teachers can help to reach their full potential.

For more information on the assessment results, call the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development at 902-438-4887 or visit the website at

Media Contact: Major Stewart