Steel Joist Review

* Transportation and Public Works [to Jan 2010]
In response to recent media enquiries the Department of Transportation and Public Works is pleased to provide an update on a review into the quality of steel joists incorporated in various buildings constructed for the Department between the early seventies and mid eighties.

"Public safety is a primary concern for our Department and when situations arise where public safety may be questioned our Department takes appropriate action to satisfy ourselves that public safety is ensured," said Hon. Don MacKinnon, Minister of Transportation and Public Works, in releasing the review's findings.

The review was undertaken in 1996 after the Department was notified that some steel joists, utilized on building construction projects in other provinces, appeared to have been manufactured with poor quality workmanship.

Department staff reviewed project files and identified the various projects that were constructed utilizing steel joists from the supplier in question. A large representative sample of the joists from each project were examined by a structural engineer and a certified welding inspector.

"The examination of the joists revealed that although less-than-ideal quality workmanship in the welding was utilized to fabricate the joists, no weld failures or serious deficiencies were found," noted Tom Harland, Deputy Minister of Transportation and Public Works.

As part of the review two representative joists were removed from a project for load testing; the joists were loaded to their full capacity then left in place for 48 hours. The load was then increased to twice the design capacity and left in place for study before removal. Upon removal, the joists were inspected and it was determined that no weld failures or cracks had occurred.

"Based on the visual inspection and the load testing of the joists the Department has concluded that the joists are able to safely support their design loads. It is also noted that the joists in question have been in service for twenty plus years and have performed well under snow loads during that period. Based on this information the Department is convinced that further inspection or remedial action is not required," commented Harland.

Media Contact: Don MacKinnon