Spring Lobster Landings Rise Slightly in 2009

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development [to May 2015]
Overall spring lobster landings reached 19.4 million pounds in 2009, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Neil LeClair announced today.

The Department collected landings on a weekly basis during the spring season from lobster buyers licenced to operate in Prince Edward Island ports. Landings include the harvest in LFA 24 along the north shore of Prince Edward Island and LFA 26A in the central and eastern portion of the Northumberland Strait.

Landings reported for LFA 24 totaled 14.4 million pounds this spring, up 2.9 percent over 2008. In LFA 26A, landings were reported to be 5.0 million pounds, up 3.0 percent from 2008. This marks the first time since 2002 that lobster landings in LFA 26A have reached the 5.0 million pound level.

“I am pleased to see the slight increase in landings, especially in LFA 26A as this area has experienced low landings over the past number of seasons,” said Minister LeClair. “Although I am pleased overall with landings, I fully recognize that 2009 has been a very difficult year for fishers, crew and processors, mainly due to the impacts of the global economic downturn.”

The provincial government introduced a Five Point Lobster Plan in May to assist the sector to address the global economic situation. “My Department continues to work very closely with the lobster sector, our counterparts in Atlantic Canada and the federal government to implement the measures outlined in the Five Point Lobster Plan as well as a number of other lobster initiatives. I am confident that we will build a more solid foundation for the lobster sector over the coming months,” said the Minister.

In addition to the Five Point Plan, the Minister stated his commitment to continue to work with the industry to collect information on the lobster resource through the Department’s Lobster Resource Monitoring Program.

“I want to thank the fishermen who participate in the monitoring program and the buyers who provide the statistical information to the Department. This type of cooperation is what we need to build a stronger industry for the future,” said the Minister.

Media Contact: Ron Ryder