July 7, 1999 * Education [to Apr 2008]Sport PEI will be conducting a Sport Facility Study to examine sport facilities across the province and to determine the facility requirements needed if Prince Edward Island is to successfully host regional, national and international sporting events said Honourable Chester Gillan, Minister responsible for Sport. Minister Gillan explained that every two years, the Canada Games are held in a different Canadian province and that Pince Edward Island is committed to host the 2009 Canada Summer Games. He said the Sport Facility Study will determine the sport facilities PEI requires to host these games. He also emphasized that the study will examine other sport facility needs for the entire province, for all sports and for various sporting events. "Studying all facilities and all sports at once is the most cost efficient way to conduct the study," said Minister Gillan. "Many of the Island's sport facilities have multi-uses and this study will ensure that any facilities built serve as many sport, recreational and community needs as possible." Sport PEI has issued a request for proposals to engage the services of a consultant to conduct the Sport Facility Study. The Department of Education will provide funding to Sport PEI for the study.Media Contact: Don LeClair