The Joint Marketing Agreement involving the Province of Prince Edward Island, Signature Vacations, the Tourism Industry Association of P.E.I., and the Charlottetown Airport Authority has resulted in new additional flights from Toronto to Charlottetown. Today Premier Binns, Hon. Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Tourism, and Hon. Mike Currie, Minister of Transportation and Public Works, joined in with the partners in this initiative to welcome one of the first of many flights.
Minister MacAdam noted, "This initiative proves the effectiveness of partnerships between private industry and government aiming at increasing our tourist visitation here on Prince Edward Island. Increasing the traffic means increasing revenues and value in our product and it speaks well for the continued co-operation between all the parties."
The Joint Marketing Agreement created between the partners provides additional exposure in one of Prince Edward Island's key markets through the various means of joint advertising representing a value of over $200,000. "This brings increased opportunities to the entire tourism industry on the Island and will create many spinoffs due to increased visitation," pointed out Mr. Mel Gass, President of the Tourism Industry Association of Prince Edward Island.
Signature Vacations indulges in advertising in a number of venues in the Ontario marketplace. High profile opportunities provided by the marketing agreement include newspaper ads in regional markets like Toronto, London, Kitchener, Hamilton, Ottawa and Kingston as well as radio and brochure advertisements. One exciting initiative included advertising in Canadian Geographic with an anticipated significant response.
The Charlottetown Airport Authority shared their enthusiasm about the increased traffic at the airport. "We look forward to the increased traffic activity and air service here at the airport and anticipate that it will be very beneficial to the entire tourism industry," said Mr. Ken MacKenzie of the Airport Authority.
This type of joint marketing initiative brings together parties with a vested interest in marketing Prince Edward Island and builds upon the strong partnerships within the industry. Minister MacAdam added, "the tourism industry is growing steadily on the Island - building on the strong foundation that has been established over the years and continually growing due in a large part to the many initiatives - like this one - that are taking place through our many marketing strategies."