Resources West Inc., a non-profit corporation established to actively promote and foster sustainable growth, economic prosperity and development in western Prince Edward Island, is implementing a new initiative to further develop and promote tourism travel in the region.
Responding to the concerns of a majority of the stakeholders in the local tourism industry, the provincial government has agreed to change the name of the Lady Slipper Drive scenic route to the North Cape Coastal Drive. Resources West, acting on behalf of all stakeholders, will undertake an initiative to actively market and promote the route to showcase the region’s attractions, accommodations and points of interest. It is anticipated that the new name combined with the marketing effort will increase visitation and lengths of stay of tourists leading to greater economic benefits for businesses in the area.
"I am very pleased that ACOA is able to partner with the provincial government to fund this new marketing initiative,” noted Joe McGuire, Minister for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. “ACOA has long recognized that tourism creates significant benefits for the local economy and for this reason, the Agency has invested millions of dollars in the last four years to expand the number of attractions in western PEI, such as Summerside’s West End, the College of Piping, Northport Pier Development, North Cape Interpretive Centre, the Interpretive Centre at Miminegash and the Lennox Island Eco-Centre.”
"We are pleased to partner with Resources West and ACOA in the development of a new vision for tourism in western P.E.I.," stated the Honourable Philip Brown, Minister of Tourism. "We believe that the new strategy and change in name to North Cape Coastal Drive, along with the number of improvements that have already been made in the tourism infrastructure in the area will improve visitations for years to come."
The North Cape Coastal Drive initiative being undertaken by Resources West will seek to encourage visitors to drive this "less-travelled" region of the province and experience the varied destinations of interest in this part of PEI. The result is likely to lead to an increase in overnight stays and more tourism revenues being directed to businesses throughout western PEI.
"We expect that this initiative which will encourage visitors to experience the unique culture and landscape of the region will not only boost tourism to the area, but will also act as a catalyst for continued development," said David Anderson, Managing Director of Resources West Inc. "Simply put, the Lady Slipper brand name did not hold meaning or interest for the touring public. Working with Tourism Summerside, the Evangeline Tourism Association and the Western PEI Tourism Association we are confident that this new approach will be very successful."
ACOA is providing a non-repayable contribution to Resources West Inc. for $400,000 through its Business Development Program and the Tourism PEI is providing support of $150,000 toward this initiative. The North Cape Coastal Drive will be launched for the 2005 tourism season.
For more information, please contact:
Ron Crozier, Office of the Minister for ACOA at (902) 888-4150
Sherry M. MacDougall, Tourism PEI, (902)368-5535,
David Anderson, Managing Director of Resources West Inc., (902) 859-2235
Wes Harrison, ACOA PEI & Tourism, (902) 368-0842,
Anne Arsenault, Western Tourist Association, (902) 882-2230
Rejeanne Arsenault, Evangeline Tourist Association, (902) 854-2987
Steve Dowling of Tourism Summerside at (902) 436-2505