Report On Special Education Review Released

* Education [to Apr 2008]
A report on the 1998 Special Education Review will improve the long-term quality of services provided to special needs students in PEI said Minister of Education Chester Gillan. Minister Gillan released the report today to school board representatives, special education teachers and consultants, and Department of Education staff.

Last spring, Newfoundland-based consultant, Mackey and Associates, conducted a review of the province's special education system. The review focussed on improving the methods used for the delivery of special education programs and services for students with intellectual, physical, social, or any other learning difficulties. The consultant also hosted a series of community meetings and accepted written submissions, as part of a province-wide public consultation process.

Minister Gillan expressed thanks to all education stakeholders who provided input into the Special Education Review. He said those stakeholders will also play a key role, as the Department prepares to implement the plan.

Minister Gillan stated the Department of Education plans to take the lead role in the implementation of special education in Prince Edward Island. Recently, the Department hired Joanne McCabe, as Assistant to the Director responsible for Special Services. McCabe has over 25 years experience in special services and was the Special Education Consultant at the Western School Board for the past five years. She will be responsible for the long-term implementation of the Special Education Review.

The report emphasized that all education partners have to pull together and work with a common vision, philosophy, a clear definition, language and plans about special education.

"The Department of Education will continue to work together, in an enhanced partnership, with school boards, the school system, the Teachers' Federation, parents and all education stakeholders as we move forward to the implementation phase," said Minister Gillan. "Working together, we will be able to ensure high-quality service and delivery for special needs students in the Prince Edward Island school system."

A draft implementation plan is expected to be completed by June 1999. The actual implementation phase of this report will take between three to five years.

Copies of the Special Education Review report are available by phoning 368-4600.

For more information, contact Joanne McCabe, Assistant to the Director Responsible for Special Services, at (902) 368-4600.

Media Contact: Island Information Service