A study on energy efficiency says Prince Edward Island has the potential to save as much as $151 million annually by 2017 through changes to energy use in the residential and commercial/institutional sectors.
The study, performed by the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation on behalf of the government of Prince Edward Island, also identifies eight transportation strategies that it says could lead to annual savings of more than 40 million litres of fuel.
The study was released today by the Office of Energy Efficiency. Government has had some access to recommendations from the study and used them in formulating recent programs offered by the Office of Energy Efficiency.
George Webster, Minister of Environment, Energy and Forestry, said the study identifies approaches that can save money, conserve energy resources and dramatically reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
“The authors looked at the sectors covered under the study – government, business, at home and on the road – and they consistently found that there are ways of making better use of the energy we consume. Government isn’t alone in this. This study shows that we can all improve our energy use – and save money as a result,” said the minister.
The study will be used as a blueprint to help Government identify new programs and initiatives to help Islanders deal with the ever rising cost of energy and to help reduce our ecological footprint. In fact, the new initiatives announced by the Office of Energy Efficiency in March are based on the recommendations contained in the study.
The study was steered by a committee consisting of government officials and industry stakeholders.
The study has been posted to the government’s website at www.gov.pe.ca/oee. Printed copies are also available through the Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry and at the Office of Energy Efficiency.
The Vermont study proposes a number of initiatives that it says could yield significant savings in energy.
• Residential Sector:
- existing homes initiative focused on ecoEnergy audits
- efficient products initiative for appliances and lighting
• Commercial and Institutional Sector:
- umbrella program with multiple levels
• Transportation Sector:
- vehicle fuel economy incentives
- government fleet purchases
- greenhouse gas emission standards
- telecommuting / compressed work weeks
- traffic signal synchronization
- education and outreach
- anti-idling campaigns
- speed reductions