Premier Callbeck announced today that the Report of the Community Consultative Committee on Red-Tape Review has met with the approval of Cabinet. The report, which outlines 33 recommendations to improve government services, was tabled earlier this year in the Legislative Assembly.
"The committee was directed to study and make recommendations on how government can improve services to its Island customers by consulting with Island business owners and individuals from across the province to listen to their suggestions," says Premier Callbeck. "The recommendations in this report are reflective of those viewpoints."
The report covers a wide range of issues and concerns but a key recommendation of the report is to provide easier access to government services and establish what has been coined as "one-stop-shopping."
"People want easier access to services like getting their license renewed or registering a business and they expect government to provide services like any other business does," says the Honourable Paul Connolly, Chair of the Community Consultative Committee. "As individuals we lead busy lives and need easy, quick access to services. As business owners we need to be able to compete in a more globalized market place, that means being able to get our products to market promptly and efficiently."
The design and launch of a new system will improve delivery of these services to the public. A new location in the provincial buildings, accompanied by telecommunications and Internet access, will provide "one-stop-shopping" creating more convenient service.
"The door to these services will be both a physical door that you actually walk through and an electronic door that you can access from your home, community or place of business" says Callbeck. "The idea is to provide maximum convenience for Islanders. Though some areas require further study, implementation of the report will begin immediately."