The Government of Prince Edward Island is once again participating in the PEI/Québec Employment Exchange Program for University Students for the summer of 2004. The deadline for applications has been extended to February 16, 2004.
“We are pleased to once again participate in this exchange program which will provide young Islanders with valuable work experience in the public sector while permitting them to acquaint themselves with the social and cultural life in another Canadian province,” said Minister responsible for Acadian and Francophone Affairs, Elmer MacFadyen.
The exchange program enables both provinces to hire university students during the summer in order to deliver programs and services in both official languages or to carry out special projects within their departments.
Students get the opportunity to work in a sector that corresponds to their field of specialization or that corresponds to their goals. As well, they get the opportunity to improve their knowledge of Canada’s official languages.
University students interested in applying or who would like a description of the program can access the information online at, under the Student Opportunities section or by contacting Dominique Chouinard, Planning Assistant, at 368-4828.
The PEI/Québec Summer Employment Exchange Program for University Students is co-managed by the Acadian and Francophone Affairs Division of Intergovernmental Affairs and the Placement étudiant du Québec. The program has been in existence since 1989.