Radiologist Relief Arriving for Provincial Breast Screening Program

* Health [to Jan 2010]
Chester Gillan, Minister of Health today confirmed that a locum (temporary) Radiologist has arrived to provide support to the Provincial Breast Screening Program for November 15 to 17. The radiologist is working solely on mammography reports and will read a majority of the currently unread mammograms.

So far, Dr. Keith Sparrow has read almost 300 mammograms. As a result, the wait times for Island women to have their screening mammogram reported will be significantly reduced.

Two other locums have been confirmed to provide relief to the Diagnostic Imaging Department. A second locum is confirmed for December 3 to 5 and a third locum is confirmed for December 11 and 12. Their support will decrease the wait times for reading and reporting of mammograms to one week or less.

Minister Gillan noted, “We are working toward using locum support on a regular basis. This will enable the P.E.I. Breast Screening program, that currently has a wait time of nine months for non-urgent mammogram screenings, to implement a plan to reduce those appointment wait times.”

Women showing symptoms or urgent situations, as referred by a physician, currently have a wait time of one to two weeks which is within national guidelines.

There currently is a shortage of radiologists on P.E.I. There are six radiologists instead of the usual complement of 8.5. Of those six radiologists, three specialize in mammography.

“Since this shortage is being experienced across the country, it is a great challenge to recruit radiologists to the 2.5 vacant positions on P.E.I.,” noted Minister Gillan. “The provincial Radiology group is working closely with our Medical Programs Division to recruit radiologists, both on a short-term, or locum basis, as well as a long-term basis. “

Media Contact: Rod Stanley