Queen Elizabeth Hospital maintaining visitor restrictions on Unit 3

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) is reporting that fewer patients are experiencing gastrointestinal illness-like symptoms on Unit 3; however, visitor restrictions will remain in place on the unit announced Rick Adams, QEH Executive Director.

“We are pleased that the number of patients experiencing gastrointestinal illness-like symptoms has dropped from 12 to 6, one of which is a new case that presented today,” said Adams. “While lab results we have received to date have all tested negative for common viruses which cause gastrointestinal illness symptoms, such as the ones our patients are currently experiencing, we determined that it is necessary to maintain the visitor restrictions that are currently in place and reassess the situation tomorrow when we have the remaining lab results.”

Unit 3 remains closed to visitors, and staff will be contacting patients’ family members with more information. Patients experiencing nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea remain on precautions, and heightened infection control measures remain in place on the medical nursing unit. “Our priority is ensuring staff and patient safety,” added Adams.

It is extremely important that everyone coming to the hospital, including visitors and persons coming in for tests, x-rays or ambulatory procedures, clean their hands before and after entering a patient’s room, a department, and upon entering and leaving the facility. Alcohol hand rinse stations are available throughout the building for this purpose.

Visitors to other nursing units at QEH are reminded that:

• General visiting hours are from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. and from 2:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

• Only two (2) visitors at a time per patient (this includes children)

• Children under the age of 12 are to be accompanied by an adult (other than the patient)

The situation will be reassessed tomorrow afternoon as more information is made available. Officials from the QEH will be providing a further update at that time.

Media Contact: Amanda Hamel