Québec-PEI Standing Committee on Cooperation Meets

On Thursday, June 5, PEI was host to the Standing Committee on cooperation between Québec and Prince Edward Island. The meeting took place in Summerside at the Centre Belle-Alliance. The co-secretaries of the Standing Committee are Mr. Yves Robertson from the Secrétariat aux affaires intergouvernementales canadiennes of the Québec government and Mr. Donald DesRoches, Director of Acadian and Francophone Affairs with the PEI government. The meeting also included representatives from various provincial government departments.

Issues discussed included identifying opportunities for increasing cooperation between the two provinces and broadening the scope of the agreement in order to revitalize it as well as include other fields such as French language health services. The afternoon session included the evaluation of funding requests for projects submitted by Island organizations. Representatives of local Acadian and Francophone organizations had a chance to hear from the Québec representatives over lunch.

On Friday, the co-secretaries of the Standing Committee held exploratory meetings with Island post-secondary institutions including Holland College, UPEI and the Société éducative de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard. The opportunities for exchanges in the post-secondary sector appear promising, and upcoming meetings will secure some of the discussed initiatives.

The Agreement for Cooperation and Exchange between the government of Québec and the government of Prince Edward Island was originally signed in 1989 and is primarily directed to matters relating to language, culture, education, economic development, youth, public administration and communications. The focus of the agreement is to strengthen the ties between Québec and Prince Edward Island by encouraging the exchange of resources in various fields of expertise. The co-secretaries of the Standing Committee meet once a year, alternately in Québec or Prince Edward Island.

Media Contact: Donald DesRoches