Public welcomed to attend Community Conversations on PEI Education Governance

* Education and Early Childhood Development [to May 2015]
All members of the public are encouraged and welcomed to attend Community Conversations, to discuss governance of the education system on Prince Edward Island.

The public is invited to discuss the following:

1. Strengths of the current approach to governance of the PEI education system

2. Issues and concerns related to governance of the PEI education system

3. Ideas and advice on how to improve the governance of the PEI education system

4. What is the single most important thing you would want to do if re-designing how PEI's education system is set up and run?

Event: Education Governance Commission Community Conversation

Date: Thursday, November 10, 2011

Time: 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Location: Athena Consolidated School

Education Governance Commission website:

Media Contact: Janice Pettit