Public input will help shape a new energy strategy for Prince Edward Island, says Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy Minister Paula Biggar.
“Meaningful public engagement in the shaping of policy is a major priority for government, and is especially important on issues such as energy that affect all Islanders,” said Minister Biggar. “I encourage individuals, businesses and organizations to seriously consider how we can best meet our energy needs now and in the future and to share their ideas at the upcoming round of public meetings.”
The Prince Edward Island Energy Corporation is working with companies Dunsky Energy Consulting in partnership with Power Advisory to develop the strategy. The report is expected to be completed by the end of June. The strategy will be comprehensive, with a focus on sustainability, including approaches to energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy alternatives, transportation and economic benefits. It will be integrated with the provincial climate change strategy.
Public meetings have been scheduled across Prince Edward Island. These will be held on the following dates and locations.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Westisle Composite High School
39570 Western Rd, Elmsdale
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Room #204 & #205
Holland College Waterfront Campus
98 Water St, Summerside
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Murchison Centre
17 Pius X Ave, Charlottetown
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Cavendish Farms Wellness Centre
21 Sullivan Drive, Montague
All meetings are being held from 6 to 8 p.m. Submissions can be made in English or French. Submissions can also be made online, by e-mail, by mail or fax.
The draft strategy will be posted to the Energy Corporation website prior to the consultations. More information is available at