Public Meetings To Be Held On Manure Management Guidelines

* Fisheries and Environment [to Jul 1998]
A joint initiative to develop new manure management guidelines has been underway since last winter between the Department of Fisheries and Environment and the Department of Agriculture and Forestry. Today in the Legislature, Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Environment announced that the public is invited to provide input to this process through workshops scheduled for early in June.

"There has already been a great deal of consultation with livestock producers, environmentalists, as well as municipal and tourism interests on this project. I also anticipate a great deal of interest and informed comment from the public on this issue," said Minister MacAdam. The public workshops are scheduled for 7 p.m., June 2, in Summerside at the Loyalist Country Inn, and 7 p.m., June 4, at the Farm Centre in Charlottetown.

A discussion paper on the proposed manure management guidelines is available for review. Copies are available from either of the two departments as well as Island Information Service and all regional service centres.

"I have been very pleased with the level of interest and cooperation that has been received during this process to date, and I look forward to receiving the results of the public workshops," concluded Mr. MacAdam.

Media Contact: Clair Murphy