The Standing Committee on Community Affairs and Economic Development will be traveling to O’Leary and Summerside on Wednesday, February 6 to conduct public hearings on Sunday shopping.
The first round of public hearing was originally set to take place in Charlottetown, but was postponed due to the power outage that affected most of the Island on Wednesday, January 30. The hearing in Charlottetown has been rescheduled for Wednesday, February 13, but the Committee will first travel west of the capital to hear from citizens and groups.
The Chairman of the Committee, Robert Henderson, is looking forward to hearing from the public, but is surprised by the response the Committee has received. “We advertised several times for submissions, but we did not get as many calls as I thought we would,” he said this week. “I’m a little disappointed because public hearings are a great opportunity for citizens to actively participate in the democratic process and witness the legislative committee proceedings at work.”
Henderson pointed out that the public hearings offer an opportunity for the general public to contribute to the recommendations the Committee will be making to the Legislature this spring.
Although the deadline for submissions passed a few weeks ago, Henderson encourages any interested people to call the Committee Clerk of the Standing Committee on Community Affairs and Economic Development. “We were mandated to solicit the views of Islanders and we will do our best to hear from anyone who would like to talk to us.”
The Committee will hold a meeting in O’Leary on February 6, at the Future Tech West Building, at 2 p.m. The Committee will travel to Summerside that evening for a meeting at the Loyalist Lakeview Inn at 7 p.m.
For more information, please contact the Committee Clerk of the Legislative Assembly at 620-3764.