Provincial Library Service Launches TD National Summer Reading Club for 2005 -- Space Exploration: Blast Off !

* Community and Cultural Affairs [to Jun 2007]
Capturing the imagination of young readers and promoting the development of lifelong reading habits is the focus of the 2005 Summer Reading Club. This year’s theme "Space Exploration: Blast Off!" was selected to highlight reading as both an educational and exciting experience for children of all ages.

The PEI Provincial Library TD National Summer Reading Club was launched today by the Honourable Elmer MacFadyen, Minister Responsible for Libraries; Kim Devine, representing the City of Charlottetown; staff of the Confederation Centre Public Library Children’s Loft; children and parents.

“The summer reading club is designed to encourage children and families to make reading an important part of their summer vacation, and we are extremely pleased to see the interest that the program continues to generate across the province each summer,” said Minister Elmer MacFadyen. “Reading can be fun and exciting and the theme 'Space Exploration: Blast Off!' celebrates the wonder and adventure that can be experienced through books.”

Each year, the summer reading club includes a theme designed to kick off the program and generate interest among children and parents. The theme for 2005 "Space Exploration: Blast Off!" is designed to appeal to children as both an exciting adventure and educational topic. Participants in the program receive a reading kit which includes a poster, stickers and a log book to help keep track of summer reading. Collector cards featuring Canadian astronauts and scientific facts sheets have also been provided by the Canadian Space Agency.

To participate in the program, children must read at least 15 minutes a day through the summer to maintain reading levels from June to September. To highlight the theme, a number of special activities will take place throughout the summer in library branches across the province.

“The Summer Reading Program is an excellent way to encourage reading over the summer, and library branches across the province are pleased to help select books to enjoy over summer vacation,” said Barb Kissick, Children’s Librarian. “We are pleased to invite Island children and their parents to visit their local library and sign-up for the summer reading program.”

Participants can register at their local library and set their own reading goal for the summer.

The 2005 TD Summer Reading Club is sponsored by the TD Financial Group and developed by staff at the Toronto Public Library. Materials are illustrated by artist Ange Zhang.

Media Contact: Jennifer MacLeod