The Provincial Library Service is offering a French language version of the online catalogue, Abbycat, which until recently has only been available in English.
Abbycat is an online resource where anyone with internet access can search the collection of the Provincial Library Service. Using Abbycat, Islanders can find out which library has a copy of the newest book by a best selling author or create a bibliography for a project. People with library cards can review their account and renew books they have borrowed.
“Island residents will now be able to search for library materials in the language of their choice,” said Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs Elmer MacFadyen. “As Minister responsible for both public libraries and Acadian and Francophone Affairs, it gives me great pleasure to extend an invitation to our local francophone community to make use of this important addition to French language public library services.”
This new online service is part of the ongoing development of French language public library services on Prince Edward Island. The public library branches in Summerside, Evangeline, and Charlottetown primarily serve the francophone communities by offering programs such as the Summer Reading Program in French. Extensive French language collections throughout the province provide a broad range of materials for educational, informational and recreational reading needs. “Finding French materials at your local public library and requesting French materials from other island libraries has never been easier,” the Minister added.
The French version of the Abbycat catalogue can be accessed by following the link from the French Library Web page