Investing in projects that improve the oyster industry and create employment in rural Prince Edward Island are essential components for the long-term future of the industry, says Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Neil LeClair.
“We are investing $100,000 this year in the Oyster Enhancement Program with the Prince Edward Island Shellfish Association to help ensure the industry becomes more sustainable and productive,” said Minister LeClair.
The oyster fishery supports approximately 700 active fishers that fish oysters over the two fishing seasons – spring and fall. The industry employs 1,500 people in total, with landings in excess of 5 million pounds annually.
The 2011 Oyster Enhancement Program will deliver a number of projects to enhance the public oyster fishery, including the collection and spreading of oyster seed and one-year old juvenile oysters to wild beds in various locations throughout the province. The program also enhances the broodstock available in the Bideford River, which is a natural and reliable collection area for oyster spat. Other projects include enhancement of quahaug broodstock in the East River, de-silting of oyster beds in the West River and the relay of oysters from shallow grounds that would be exposed and could be killed by ice to deeper beds.
In addition to the financial and technical assistance provided by the department, labour support for the program is provided through the department’s Employment Development Agency.
“Action 12 of the Rural Action Plan calls for investment in sustainable shellfish production and this strategic investment clearly demonstrates government’s continued support to increase the quality and quantity of oysters on public beds across Prince Edward Island,” said Mr. LeClair.