Provincial Government Recognizes Adult Learners

* Education [to Apr 2008]
Education Minister Mildred Dover presented three major awards today to recognize adult learning successes in PEI.

The awards were presented at the annual meeting of the PEI Literacy Alliance which is held each year during Adult Learners Week. “It is a pleasure to recognize the achievements of these very deserving recipients and to thank them for being positive role models for others,” said Minister Dover.

Amanda Carr of Marshfield received the 2004 Atomic Energy of Canada Limited GED Award. The $1000 bursary is presented annually to a person who has been accepted into a post secondary science-related program after passing their GED tests on first writing. Ms. Carr decided to return to school this year after her job was phased out. She has always had a keen interest in animals and is now enrolled in the Veterinary Administrative Assistant program at CompuCollege in Charlottetown.

The Provincial Apprenticeship Board received the Innovative Learning Opportunities for Tradespeople Award in recognition of the six programs they offered this year for electricians, plumbers and cooks. The programs were held across the Island for employees wishing to update their essential skills and other skills required to prepare for licensing exams in their respective trades. Jenna Boon accepted the plaque on behalf of the Provincial Apprenticeship Board.

The Workplace Learning Award was presented by Minister Dover to the Cavendish Farms Wellness Committee in recognition of their workplace learning program at the New Annan plant. Kathie Drummond accepted the award on behalf of the committee.

Cavendish Farms provided a teacher, resources and space for the learning centre which helps employees to upgrade their essential skills and prepare for GED tests and other learning opportunities. The Centre includes 12 computer stations and is staffed every day. Employees attend while they are off-shift and are reimbursed for half the time they spend in class which is approximately six hours per week.

The learning centre was named the French Fry Faculty by the project team to encourage participation by staff from all levels of the organization. Learners work at their own pace and learn at a variety of levels from very basic education to post secondary.

With rotating 12-hour shifts, workplace learning is an excellent option for these employees to continue to upgrade their knowledge and skills. Cavendish Farms also offers employees a variety of health programs on-site to help them make informed lifestyle choices.

For more information on workplace learning, contact Luann MacAusland at the Department of Education, 902 368 5988 or

Media Contact: Jean Doherty