A new provincial government investment is being used to renovate the Murray River Fire Department fire hall and the Murray River Community Hall, says Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Neil LeClair.
“Improving the infrastructure of the local fire department and community centre is one of the great benefits of the Island Community Fund,” said Minister LeClair. “These investments reflect the commitment of the provincial government to rural communities and residents across the province.”
The total cost of the two projects is $109,000.
The Murray River Fire Department fire hall is a retrofitted building and in need of some renovations to complete its adaptation. The total cost of the project is $81,000. The Island Community Fund is contributing $61,000 to this project.
The Murray River Community Hall was in need of heating, electrical and plumbing upgrades to better serve those using the facility. The total cost of the project is $28,000. The Island Community Fund contributed $21,000 to this project.
“I want to congratulate the sponsors of these projects and wish them every success,” said Mr. LeClair. “The projects will benefit residents in the Murray River area for years to come.”
The Island Community Fund is a six-year $27.5 million program established by the provincial government to address infrastructure needs with a focus on rural communities.