Provincial government employees have their most successful United Way campaign ever in 2008

Premier's Office
Provincial government employees raised over $145,000 for the United Way this year, making it their most successful campaign ever.

The campaign is up 10.6 per cent over last year. It was chaired by Sharon Cameron, Deputy Minister of Social Services and Seniors. “We did well because we have a very dedicated group of professionals who are totally committed to the success of the campaign. There is an energy and passion among the campaign volunteers that is contagious. We received great support from our sponsors and excellent participation in our special events. But it was the hard work and personal touch of the coordinators and canvassers that contributed most significantly,” she said. “Our staff are sensitive to the issues of the struggling economy so they are more willing than ever to give to United Way which helps their fellow Islanders at a time of need.”

Premier Robert Ghiz attended the campaign wind-up and congratulated the employees for achieving their ambitious goal. “The success of this campaign says a lot about the Provincial Public Service. It speaks to the generosity of employees and to the many quiet leaders in our work units who make a great contribution to their workplaces and their communities,” he said. “The United Way campaign is one of the many things that our employees do extremely well and they are to be commended for their outstanding leadership in this important area.”

The name of the United Way 50/50 draw winner was drawn at the reception. The winner was Tracy Bradley who works in the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Her total winnings were $3,095.

Members of the 2008 employee campaign committee are Sharon Cameron (chair), Darlene Ching, Margaret Simpson, Patti Wheatley, Denise Carragher, Jean Doherty, Julie Gilman, Karen McCaffrey, Sharon Waite, Tim Garrity, Carolyn Fraser, Jane Young, Sterling Carruthers, Claire Matheson, Lori Bradley, Phyllis McCarron, Stephanie O’Keefe, Marlene Hughes, Cathy Clow and Carrie Keizer.

Media Contact: Jean Doherty