Provincial Golf Courses Report Revenue Increases in 1996

* Economic Development [to Jul 1998]
Less than brilliant weather in July of 1996 does not seem to have deterred golfers from flocking to the three provincially operated golf courses, according to the interim statistics from Brudenell, Crowbush and Mill River. Up to the end of July, revenues were up at all three courses, a trend that is expected to continue into October. While revenues were up in almost all categories, the courses report significant growth in the numbers of golfers participating in golf packages.

"We are especially delighted to see growth in the area of golf packages," said Ron MacNeill, Director of Tourism Development at Tourism PEI. "Both government and the private sector have been promoting our golf packages outside the province and it is paying off."

Sales figures for the month of July in 1996 for the three provincial golf courses show approximately 15 percent growth over the same period last year. Revenue was up in May and June as well.

Interim data gathered from various sources by the Research Division of Enterprise PEI shows growth in tourism traffic over 1995 as well. Although it is too early to project the true pattern for the season, passenger traffic is up at Marine Atlantic, inquiries for visitor information on the toll-free line are up as well. An interim report on visitation statistics will be released in mid-to late-August according to Dave Bryanton of the Research Division of Enterprise PEI.

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