Province Supports Hatchery in Scotchfort

Communities, Land and Environment
The Government of Prince Edward Island has approved a $45,000 investment in the Abegweit First Nation Biodiversity Enhancement Hatchery, said Minister of Communities, Land and Environment Robert Mitchell.

“The Department of Communities, Land and Environment is a proud supporter of the work being done at the fish hatchery in Scotchfort. Reproduction work carried out at this hatchery ensures that our streams and rivers will continue to support high quality angling opportunities,” said Minister Mitchell.

More than 8,000 Islanders and 600 non-residents participate in angling each year, contributing an estimated $4 million in direct expenditures to the provincial economy. Government’s $45,000 investment will support the production of Brook Trout and Atlantic Salmon for restocking efforts. Local watershed groups compliment restocking efforts by working instream and with adjacent landowners to enhance not only our watercourses but also the lands that drain into them.

Included in these restocking efforts will be the collection of brood stock from four regions across the province, the collection of Brook Trout and Atlantic Salmon eggs from the brood stock, the growth of a minimum of 50,000 Atlantic Salmon fry, and the incubation of eggs that will lead to a minimum of 40,000 Brook Trout for enhancement purposes and 4,000 Brook Trout fry for youth fishing initiatives in the coming years.

This agreement will also ensure that interested groups and individuals who are interested in visiting the hatchery to learn more about P.E.I.’s recreational fish stocking program have the opportunity to do so.

“Abegweit First Nation is pleased to continue its partnership with the Government of Prince Edward Island and the residents of P.E.I. in improving ecosystem integrity and offering outdoor opportunities to current and future generations. Abegweit First Nation is proud to protect and enhance the environment for all Islanders,” said Roger Sark of Abegweit First Nation.

Media Contact: Amber Nicholson