Province signs on family physician for West Prince

Health and Wellness
Dr. Filza Naveed will join the complement of physicians in the West Prince region for one year beginning October 1, 2015, with a possibility of an extension, says Minister of Health and Wellness Doug Currie.

“Dr. Naveed, as a participant in our Family Residency Program, is an excellent example of the program’s success and we welcome her to our Island health care system,” said Minister Currie. “Prince Edward Island is very fortunate to have our own Family Medicine Residency Program, and a number of the residents have made decisions to remain in the province to practice upon completion of their training.”

Since the Family Medicine Residency Program began in 2011, 11 physicians have remained in PEI to practice within the family medicine complement in various areas across the province. For 2015, already three of these new physicians have signed offers to remain in the province upon completion of their residency. Dr. Naveed is one of these physicians. The Family Medicine Residency Program has supported recruitment and retention initiatives on PEI.

Dr. Naveed is currently completing her medical training as part of the PEI Family Medicine Residency Program and will begin a family practice in October 2015 at the Primary Care Clinic in Alberton. Dr. Naveed will be taking patients from the patient registry and will be providing support at the Emergency Department at Western Hospital.

“Early into medical school, I decided I would like to provide care to those who need it the most,” said Dr. Naveed. “I realized this when I had the opportunity to spend three months in West Prince as a family medicine resident. It was an extremely positive and rewarding experience for me. I look forward to starting a practice in Alberton and providing further care to this community.”

Patients who are not assigned a family physician in the West Prince area are asked to register with the Patient Registry by calling 1-855-563-2101.

Media Contact: Samantha MacKinnon