Province Releases Hospital Bed Utilization Study

* Health and Social Services [to Nov 2005]
The Province released the findings of an independent study today which examines the way some hospital beds are currently being used in Prince Edward Island.

The study was commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Services in May 1998 to seek an objective external assessment of hospital bed use.

The study was conducted in July 1998 by Dr. Charles Wright and Karen Cardiff, R.N., M.H.Sc. of the Centre for Health Services and Policy Research at the University of British Columbia.

The researchers reviewed a random sample of 492 adult medical hospitalizations. The study concluded that all medical patients reviewed required care, and 27 per cent of the patients sampled met all the criteria for admission to hospital. Medical admissions account for about half of all hospital admissions. The sample did not include patients admitted for surgery, intensive care, obstetrics, rehabilitative, pediatric, psychiatric services, or other services.

Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover said the results of the PEI study are not unlike similar studies conducted in Manitoba, British Columbia, and other provinces.

"The information in the study will be used as the basis for further discussion with the medical staff, Boards and communities regarding how we could improve hospital inpatient and outpatient services. Government is committed to maintaining acute care and achieving a balance, rather than a reduction in services," said the minister.

During the next few days, Dr. Wright will meet with Regional Boards, medical and senior staff to review and interpret the findings of the study.

Media Contact: Jean Doherty