Province Recognizes Long Service Employees

Premier Pat Binns today recognized the contributions of 216 employees at the Public Service Commission's annual Long Term Service Awards Ceremony.

The ceremony was held in the Coles Building and caps a week of celebrations in Charlottetown and Summerside acknowledging quality, pride and service in the public sectors in Prince Edward Island.

Premier Binns characterized the province's service awards as a milestone event, one in which the contributions of 25 and 30 year service employees are to be commended. "A record of public service totalling 25 or 30 years is a personal and professional achievement -- one that each of our civil servants can be justly proud of," said the Premier. The Premier noted 216 employees were recognized at the awards program, and that 177 of them had acquired 25 years service and 39 had achieved 30 years of service.

Premier Binns said public servants are the engine that drives the machinery of government forward. "Civil servants are the backbone of our government's services and programs that benefit the public. As Premier, I am very proud of the milestones achieved by our long service employees and commend them for their years of service to the people of Prince Edward Island."

Media Contact: Jeanette MacAulay