In recognition of National Forest Week, September 19-25, the Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry announced it will pursue Forest Stewardship Council certification for public lands which includes 75,000 acres of forest across Prince Edward Island, says Minister Richard Brown.
“This international certification will ensure that forests under public management are meeting international standards for sustainable management,” said Minister Brown. “It will also create awareness among Islanders of the significant role forests play in our environment, our economy and our rural communities.”
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an independent, not-for-profit organization established to promote the responsible management of the world’s forests. FSC certification sets standards for forest management and audits compliance to ensure standards are being met. The Province is applying for FSC certification through the Nagaya Forest Restoration Ltd., which certifies thousands of acres of forest throughout the Maritimes.
“FSC certification is in line with our Provincial Forest Policy which commits to demonstrating forest certification on public lands as well as increased forest restoration,” said Mr. Brown. “Not only will certification improve forest quality, it will also increase opportunities in the marketplace where demand for FSC products currently exceeds supply, and buyers pay a premium for certified wood in some markets.”
The department plans to apply for FSC certification of selected parcels this year and will proceed with additional properties until all the lands are certified.
The purpose of National Forest Week is to celebrate our forest resources and to raise awareness of the beauty of this natural resource and the vital role it plays in our quality of life and economic development.
To learn more about the Forest Stewardship Council, go to