With the Canada Games well underway, the Province of Prince Edward Island wants to thank the Official Team Atlantic sponsor Atlantic Lottery, says Health and Wellness Minister Carolyn Bertram.
“Over the past three decades, we have been proud to have Atlantic Lottery sponsor Team PEI for the Canada Games,” said Minister Bertram. “It takes many dedicated volunteers, staff and sponsors to ensure that our team is ready. Thank you to Atlantic Lottery and all of our Team PEI sponsors. We have seen wonderful triumphs this week in Halifax, and win or lose, our athletes and artists will take home wonderful memories from the 2011 Games.”
Atlantic Lottery is the official sponsor for all of Team Atlantic. At the Team PEI parent’s breakfast in Halifax, Atlantic Lottery representatives presented Team PEI with a cheque for $30,000 along with providing the team with their sports bags and water bottles.
“With a more than three-decade-long commitment to Canada Games, the Atlantic Lottery team is absolutely honoured to, once again, stand alongside Team Prince Edward Island athletes,” said Michelle Carinci, president and CEO of Atlantic Lottery. “The commitment, determination and passion that these young athletes display during the Games extends far beyond the playing field; the future of Atlantic Canada will be bright with them at the helm.”
Atlantic Lottery's commitment to the Canada Games teams of the four Atlantic provinces spans more than three decades. For the 2011 Games, Team PEI is made up of 149 athletes/artists, 54 coaches, managers and support staff, and 13 Mission Staff members for a total delegation of 216.
For more information on Team PEI and to follow their progress at the Games, visit www.teampei.ca.