Province Of PEI To Develop Climate Change Strategy

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment [to Oct 2003]
The Province of Prince Edward Island will release a Business Plan which will outline the province's commitment to the environment. The Plan is a follow-up to a two-day meeting of Ministers of Energy and Environment to discuss issues related to climate change. The meeting was held in Quebec City earlier this week. All provinces, except Ontario, agreed to a National Implementation Strategy on Climate Change and a National Business Plan. Other provinces, including PEI, will finalize strategies of their own as well.

Agriculture and Forestry Minister Murphy attended the meeting on behalf of the government of Prince Edward Island.

"It is obvious from the discussions at the meeting that the ministers recognize the seriousness of the impacts for climate change and the need for immediate action," Mr. Murphy said. "While Prince Edward Island produces only 0.3 percent of the nation's carbon dioxide emissions, it still has a role to play in enabling Canada to meet its international obligations."

PEI's Business Plan will include a number of measures related to agriculture, forestry, electricity, transportation and private business. As a sign of its commitment toward addressing climate change concerns, the province has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the federal government to examine the feasibility of establishing a wind farm at North Cape. If agreements are finalized and approved, the wind farm would provide "green power" to both federal and provincial government facilities on Prince Edward Island over a ten year period.

"It's important for the province to demonstrate leadership in issues relating to climate change," said Minister Murphy. "Using wind power, a renewable and non - polluting resource, is a very good first step."

Details on the Prince Edward Island Business Plan will be released following final approval from Cabinet.

Media Contact: Wayne MacQuarrie