Province partners with Red Cross Health Equipment Loan Program

Health and Wellness
Islanders recovering from an injury or illness at home will soon have access to a variety of health equipment through the greatly expanded Health Equipment Loan Program (HELP), says Health and Wellness Minister Doug Currie.

“I am extremely pleased that Health PEI is able to partner with the Red Cross on this initiative,” said Minister Currie. “By providing access to health equipment aids on a no-charge loan basis, we are supporting Islanders who wish to return to or remain in their homes for their recovery period.”

The Government of Prince Edward Island has committed $200,000 to fund the program through the Canadian Red Cross Prince Edward Island division. The HELP initiative was announced during the Budget Address 2014.

HELP loans will be available beginning in January 2015 for Islanders 18 years and over who are recovering at home from an injury or illness. The loans will be granted on referral from a qualified health professional. The medical equipment offered by HELP includes standard wheelchairs, walkers, adjustable crutches, bedside rails and more. The program also includes access to hospital beds for in-home use.

“Thanks to funding support from the Province, we’re excited to be able to increase by almost 75 per cent our inventory of equipment available to Islanders free of charge,” said Laura Johnson-Montigny, provincial director of the Canadian Red Cross in Prince Edward Island. “We’re hiring two staff to help administer the program and service and maintain the equipment, and expect to finalize shortly two additional locations that will be more convenient for Kings and Prince counties.”

The equipment is initially loaned for a three-month period but may be extended.

More information about the HELP program is available online at


Health Equipment Loan Program

Through the Health Equipment Loan Program (HELP), a national program of the Canadian Red Cross, health equipment is provided to individuals dealing with illness or injury. Thanks to donors, local funders and partners, and with the support of dedicated volunteers and staff, the Health Equipment Loan Programs empower thousands of people each year to live more independently. HELP also plays an important role in the diversion of used equipment otherwise destined for landfill.

How does it help?

The Short Term Loan Program alleviates the pressures that come along with injury or illness; assists seniors with mobility issues, allows people to return home from hospital earlier, and supports those in palliative care who wish to spend their final days in the comfort of their own home.

For anyone who needs medical equipment to live safely at home, the Red Cross provides aids such as:

• Wheelchairs

• Walkers

• Bath seats and benches

• Commodes and toilet seats

• Crutches and canes

• Bed handles

• Other durable medical equipment

HELP is a volunteer-supported, community-based service that is made possible through the support of health authorities, donations of used equipment, financial donations, and the efforts of thousands of volunteers and professional staff.

This program is an integral part of the Canadian health care system and ensures the health and safety of clients by requesting a referral from a registered health care professional for all equipment loans.

Media Contact: Samantha MacKinnon