The Province Invests in Cultural Infrastructure

* Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour [to Jan 2010]
Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour Minister Carolyn Bertram announced this week a number of cultural infrastructure projects which will receive funding through the Island Community Fund.

“Communities across Prince Edward Island help us understand our history and cultivate our identity as Islanders,” said Minister Bertram. “These six cultural projects are excellent examples of how important community infrastructure is to the residents in our rural areas, and the Province of Prince Edward Island is proud to support our One Island Community Infrastructure.”

The Minister announced funding for upgrades to the Rustico Harbour Fisheries Museum, renovations to the North Granville Community Centre, renovations to the Malpeque Bay Community Centre, Community Sign Replacement in Kelvin Grove, repairs to the Argyle Shore Community Centre and a Development Project for the Abegweit Mawiomi Grounds.

The total project cost for the six projects is $296,900; the Province will be providing $190,834, and the balance will be the responsibility of the applicants.

“Cultural infrastructure is more than just bricks and mortar,” said Minister Bertram. “The results of these projects will allow community leaders to continue to offer community-based activities which contribute to cultural, recreational, social and economic benefits.”

Committed to in Budget 2008, the Island Community Fund represents a provincial investment of $27.5 million towards the infrastructure needs of Prince Edward Island communities. The Fund consists of two components – a small projects component, and a strategic initiatives component. Eligible categories of funding under this program include: Community Safety and Security, Recreation, and Cultural Infrastructure not funded under the current programs; a high priority will also be given to projects which support strategic initiatives for the entire province.

Media Contact: Autumn Tremere